Hypnobirthing & Postnatal Courses
in Winchester and online

Hello and welcome! I'm Val and I'm on a bit of a mission: to help women and their birth partners feel positive, calm and confident for birth and parenthood. Whether you are here because you want to feel less worried and more excited about your birth, more like yourself postnatally or for any other reason you are VERY welcome! I offer a range of group and private Hypnobirthing, Antenatal and Postnatal Courses in Winchester, Hampshire (and surrounding areas). I'm always very happy to chat anything through with you, please just get in touch.
Release your fears, build your confidence and prepare for a positive experience of birth and beyond, so that you can embark on your parenthood journey feeling positive, calm and in control.

Prepare for a positive birth experience where you feel confident, calm and supported - however your baby enters the world
Find out how Hypnobirthing can help you prepare fully for birth

Your guide for navigating motherhood with confidence, calm and balance, even amidst the beautiful chaos!
Find out how the postnatal course can help you fully embrace motherhood

Reduce distress and discomfort following a difficult birth, fertility journey or any other upsetting perinatal experience
Find out how 3 Step Rewind can help you process a difficult experience
What on earth is hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is evidence-based, logical and practical. It is a complete birth preparation programme, effective for ALL types of births - water births, Caesarean births and everything in between! It's about creating a positive birth experience whatever that looks like for YOU. You will be equipped with the knowledge and techniques to remain calm and in control whatever path your birth takes, and to make informed decisions that are right for you and your baby.
How will the course help you?
Feel prepared, know your options and make informed decisions - even if things don't go to plan!
Remain relaxed, calm and in control during your birth experience
Feel supported by your birth partner and care providers
Release any fears or negativity that you have around birth and actually feel excited about giving birth!
What Hypnobirthing definitely is not:
Hypnobirthing is NOT stage hypnosis: no clucking like chickens involved and not a pendulum in sight! You will use your own abilities to induce a state of deep relaxation or self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis is a natural state of consciousness that everyone drifts in and out of all the time, such as when drifting off to sleep. You are fully in control to snap out of that state immediately should you need/want to.
A bunch of ‘airy-fairy’, ‘mumbo-jumbo’, ’woo woo’, ‘[insert other alternative descriptive adjective here]' techniques for birth. It is completely evidence-based and logical.
Only for home births. Absolutely not. We cover all types of births and hypnobirthing can help whatever situation you find yourself in/your baby decides to do. It's about creating a positive birth experience, rather than the mythical 'perfect' birth! Even better, the tools and knowledge you will take away with you are effective well beyond the birth experience.
What will you learn? ​
How to release fear, overcome anxiety and let go of negativity around birth
How to reach and maintain a deep state of relaxation in labour & birth
Highly effective breathing and massage techniques to help you relax
What happens to your body during labour and what can help
How to navigate the NHS maternity services to create the best experience for you and your baby
Knowing your choices and options and making informed decisions that feel right for you
How your birth partner can be your powerful protector and support
How to create a relaxing birth environment wherever you are
Why should I do the course?
Hypnobirthing is effective however your baby enters the world. There are lots of benefits for you, your baby and your birth partner including:
You are more likely to experience a more comfortable and calm birth
Improved maternal wellbeing
Labour is often shorter
Less pain perceived in labour
Your baby is more likely to have a calmer and gentler entry into the world
Less likely to need pain-relief and medical intervention in labour
Faster recovery after birth as the physical impact of giving birth is often reduced
Your birth partner has a central and active role in the birth and knows how to support and advocate for you