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Group Courses
Hypnobirthing & Antenatal education

Prepare fully for your birth, ditch the fears and build your confidence that you can absolutely do this! Navigate pregnancy and birth feeling calm, informed and in control with our Hypnobirthing birth preparation course.




1, 8 & 15 July 
Ideal for Sept-Oct due dates

Hypnobirthing & Antenatal Course 

6.30pm - 9.30pm

St Cross, Winchester, £260





2, 9, 16 & 23 Oct '24
Ideal for Dec- Jan due dates

Hypnobirthing & Antenatal Course 

7.15 pm - 9.30pm

St Cross, Winchester, £260





21 & 28 August 
Ideal for Oct-Nov due dates

Women-only Hypnobirthing Course

12.00pm - 2.00pm

St Cross, Winchester, £160





6, 13, 20 & 27 Nov '24
Ideal for Jan- Feb due dates

Hypnobirthing & Antenatal Course 

7.15 pm - 9.30pm

St Cross, Winchester, £260





4, 11, 18 & 25 Sept '24
Ideal for Oct-Dec due dates

Hypnobirthing & Antenatal Course 

7.15 pm - 9.30pm

St Cross, Winchester, £260


2 spaces left!

How will the Hypnobirthing & Antenatal course help you?​

  • Release any fears or negativity that you have around birth and actually feel excited about giving birth! 

  • Remain relaxed, calm and in control during your birth experience with a toolbox of relaxation techniques 

  • Feel supported by your birth partner and care providers

  • Feel prepared, know your options and make informed decisions - even if things don't go to plan!

  • Feel equipped to navigate the NHS maternity services to create the best possible experience for you and your baby 

  • Make local friends due at around the same time as you in a relaxed, small group setting - Great support (and fun!) in the early days of parenthood and well beyond


'Hypnobirthing, in the heat of labour, was not for me about candles, breathing, meditations etc. It was about knowledge, empowerment, how to make decisions for me, how to change my mindset, and how to feel in control. It was also, in a major part, about how to help my husband feel he was supportive, gave him a role, made him feel able to stand up for me.' First-time mum

What is covered in the Hypnobirthing & Antenatal Group Course?



What happens to the body during birth & what can help:

-The logic of Hypnobirthing

-Positive not perfect birth

-Resetting your birth brain

-The importance of language  

-The Power of the Mind 

-Physiology of Birth

-The Birthing Hormones




Your Hypnobirthing Toolkit:​

-Breathing Techniques





Physical preparation:

-Baby Positioning

-Preventing Tearing 

-Pelvic Floor Exercises

-Perineal Massage

-Positions for Birth



Choices and options for birth - navigating surprises and making informed decisions: 

-Navigating the maternity system

-Informed decision-making

-Planning for alternative scenarios


-Gentle Caesarean  â€‹

-Your Birth Preferences

-Fear-Release Relaxation



Feeling calm and supported in the birth room:

-Birth Place Options

-Pain Relief in Labour 

-Birth Partner’s role(S) 

-Creating a relaxing birth environment wherever 

-Stages of Labour and staying relaxed 

-Down Breathing & Visualisations 

-Golden Hour  


'It’s the kind of birth I never thought I was capable of - so different in so many positive ways from my first experience and one I definitely don’t think I could have had without your help. Thank you so much!' 

My whole birth experience was just a wonderful whirlwind and one I felt powerful, calm, cared for and fully in control and I can’t tell you how central Hypnobirthing was to that. 

What do you get?


  • The full Hypnobirthing & Antenatal Course, delivered as 4 sessions of around 2-2.5 hours each. Sessions are usually held weekly, over the course of the month. The group course is a complete birth preparation course combining hypnobirthing and antenatal education, and it's a great way to meet like-minded people in a relaxed setting (absolutely no awkward ice-breakers, promise!).

  • Delivered in a small group setting (max. 4 couples) to ensure your needs and questions are fully addressed. Held at my home in Winchester. Expect a cosy fire in the winter!

  • Ongoing support via email and phone throughout pregnancy and following your baby' s birth 

  • Two Hypnobirthing relaxation tracks 

  • The Positive Birthing & Parenting Course workbook, full of handy checklists & practical tips for labour 

  • Refreshments and great snacks during the classes. My aim is to make it a wonderful experience for you! 


Know another couple who'd like to do the course? I also offer a ‘Bump Buddies’ Group Course just for you, in your own home/virtually (at a discounted rate of £199 per couple). 


Please get in touch with any questions about the course. I’m always very happy to have a chat (with absolutely no obligation to sign up afterwards)! 

'Thank you SO much for all your support through the hypnobirthing course. I have no doubt that our positive experience was all due to you. J is such a chilled baby so far and I'm sure it is because I was so relaxed in labour. Listened to your tracks so much in the last few months. My husband was the perfect birth partner and we both felt empowered to deal with the twists and turns of J's birth.'

Want to hear from more past clients? Read their testimonials 

Group Course
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