It’s the kind of birth I never thought I was capable of - so different in so many positive ways from my first experience and one I definitely don’t think I could have had without your help.

Baby H arrived yesterday afternoon weighing 4.01kg (8lb13oz). Labour happened spontaneously at 40 + 2 after a slightly alarming scan at 39 + 6 which suggested he was 97th centile. When he decided he was going to come he did not hang around - arriving only two hours after we got to the maternity lead unit.
Before labour I was convinced I was going to need another epidural or at least some anaesthesia this time around but on the day your breathing techniques got me to delivery with only two paracetamol and gas & air. I never got on the bed - and spent most of the labour on all fours with a birthing ball - choices I consciously made having done your course
. We made it to the pool and the pushing phase lasted only 9 minutes. Both the senior midwife and the student midwife commented on how controlled my breathing was - particularly as I pushed him out! It’s the kind of birth I never thought I was capable of - so different in so many positive ways from my first experience and one I definitely don’t think I could have had without your help. Thank you so much!

I have been lucky enough to help many women and their birth partners prepare for a positive birth experience including this wonderful couple who attended my Group Hypnobirthing Course